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Please forgive our construction- Our website is undergoing an overhaul in the coming weeks. This will likely cause some links and files to break (not work). Please email Michael Achey to report any issues. Thank you. 

Official Results : Central Kitsap School District No. 401 Proposition No. 1: CKSD Levy 
Yes: 9130 (50.36%)
No: 9001 (49.64%)

Message from the Chair

Election season is definitely heating up. Candidates and/or their campaign representatives have been making contact with our LD to get endorsements and financial assistance. We have heard/will hear from folks running for US representative, state attorney general, state insurance commissioner, state treasurer, state supreme court justice, county commissioner, district court judge, and state initiatives.

In addition to providing these folks with our endorsement questionnaire, we include our civility pledge, accessibility pledge and an explanation of our endorsement/approval process. Our LD meetings are hybrid (both in-person and zoom) so people make their pitches in the format that works best for them.

Our members filled five plus tables at the recent county auction and dinner at OC. It was great to see so many people from LD. When our county chair, Hannie, asked the members of LD 23rd to rise, we even had the Governor and his wife stand with us! We were a large group .

Our members have been working hard to get the CKSD levy passed and we hope to see the fruits of their labors on Tuesday, April 23 so we can celebrate at our Wednesday LD meeting! If you are in the CKSD levy area:


Turn your ballot in by 8 pm today, April 23.

Support the kids and the schools!

We have a full delegation to go to the state convention in Bellevue at the end of June. The delegation has met once already to fill the two vacant delegate positions and now we are working on filling the 10 alternate positions. So far, we have two people who are interested in being an alternate. We need eight more. Please let me know if you are interested. The next meeting of the delegation is this coming Saturday, April 27, at 11 am on zoom to go over the proposed platform amendments and resolutions.

Our LD meeting is this Wednesday, April 24. It will be a hybrid meeting with the in-person portion being held at the WEA Uniserv office in Twelve Trees Business Park northwest of Poulsbo off Hwy 3. Meeting opens at 6:30 pm for schmoozing and the business portion starts at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you on Wednesday,


Chair, 23rd LD Democrats

Current News

Information for Becoming a Delegate

The link to apply for state or national delegate is wademsdelegates.org. The virtual portal is not yet open, but you can pre-register now, and will be notified when the portal is open.

You must register by March 31st. 

Upcoming events

About Us

23rd Legislative District Democrats (informally known as the '23rd LD') are your neighbors who share your concern for our country's future. America is at a crossroads, and we have an obligation to choose the right path. By working together, we can protect our families, invest in our communities, and leave a better world for our children.

Join the Cause

We need your voice.

Finances should never be a barrier to political participation. If you need assistance with a membership, don't worry, we have scholarships.

Contact Us

© 23rd Legislative District Democrats
PO Box 368 
Poulsbo WA 98370